I'll give you just a snap shot for now of how God has wired me. Definitely who I am has stemmed from my eclectic sort of back ground if you read that in my Bio. But my passions definitely flow from some of those influences. They are pretty diverse and yet there is a common thread I guess.

Overall, I'm passionate about God's rule on this earth and specifically as it applies to women and families. So I am passionate about reclaiming women for the Lord by exposing many of modern feminism's lies. (This is a biggy that God-willing one day I can pursue more!)

I am passionate about my kids, about being home with them and training them in the fear of God. My music aids me in that (hence, I Belong to Jesus).

I'm passionate about helping other families become grounded in their faith and helping them learn how to teach their own children the ways of God. So my husband and I lead a community of young families in our church where he is a pastor.

I'm passionate about missions in the world because ever since I was little I've loved other cultures - especially their food and music. But the Lord has used that to also give me a heart for the lost among them.

I'm passionate about music (of course!) and exploring how music can not only connect me to God but how musical expressions of His Word can bless His people by helping them to hear His Word in an artistically compelling way. I pray that as a result people will have God's Word milling about their hearts, taking root, and bearing fruit in obedience!

As for the hymns that I re-write, I so love connecting with the saints who have since gone to be with the Lord. Their words encourage me, build me up in my faith and give poetic expression to the things I am incapable of communicating. And I love how they connect me to the church past. I hope these songs will do the same for those who listen to them! I love what groups like Indelible Grace ( others are doing in bringing back these amazing songs. I think one of the main things I love about hymns is that many hymns, unlike worship songs, are expressions of the daily expressions of our faith. They include but also go beyond the specific worship of God, going into all the places of our daily lives which require faith responses. As an example, one of my favorite sections of my hymnal has become the Sabbath section because I love to reflect on the goodness of God in giving us that day - a day which has been set aside for Him and all the things that means to Him, for us, and for the world!

In a nut shell, my hope is that as Christians we will begin to see reality through the lense of Scripture - letting God's infallible Word shape and direct our understanding of the world we live in. I pray we will begin to let our understanding of the arts, the sciences, the state, education, social issues, the church, all of it be transformed according to God's Word - seeing His view into all these areas of life rather than absorbing worldly patterns of thought and then putting Christian clothes on them so they sound nice.

These are the things that excite me and make me wake up every day and wonder, how on earth can we do all this? But our God is an AWESOME God and He is working in and among us. My prayer in life is that I would simply be faithful with what He's given me - my precious marriage and family and my gifts. And that I would use them all for His glory alone!

Read Sarah's vision!