Music to Develop Your Soul
You can sample and purchase any of Sarah's albums just by clicking on the album cover images.
I Belong to Jesus

A CD for your family like no other! These songs will bring your faith into the hearts of your children. I Belong to Jesus is a collection of children's hymns that have an accessibility suitable for children, and a maturity adults appreciate.

$14.95 only $9.99 +TX!
These Words - Scripture Memory for Family Living

Fresh songs written to 25 Bible passages (including references) designed to help families memorize passages of God's Word particularly relevent to family life.

$14.95 only $9.99 +TX!
To order send $10.59 + $2.50 for shipping to:
Sarah Brown
P.O. Box 305
Brighton, MI 48116
Sarah Brown's Christmas Album
Sarah's Christmas album is truly wonderful.Click Here to sample and to purchase.
Sarah's music has broad appeal and speaks to all ages because it deals with as many themes as can be found in hymns and the Bible itself! To date, Sarah's two releases reflect her current stage in life and one of her many passions - family.
Sarah sings Scripture - word for word - like you've never heard it before. Her music will bring God's Word into your soul in a way which will leave you meditating on it and humming it long after the last note dies away. She also resurrects old dusty hymns and breathes new life into them with music that will satisfy your longings for the artistic, the good, the modern, and the lovely.
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